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Power on and burn the 2A insurance, check that all the components are not short-circuited, and there is no wrong paste. What's wrong?

Hardware design
juillet 21, 2020 by Rahul 1634

Power on and burn the 2A insurance, check that all the components are not short-circuited, and there is no wrong paste. What's wrong?


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Donnie Posté sur July 21, 2020

Disconnect R35 and R48 before testing.

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Gareth Posté sur July 21, 2020

Is there any problem with the number of transformer turns?

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Petra Posté sur July 21, 2020

If you connect the load to burn or not to burn, if it is connected to the load, will it be caused by your load being too large? If it is not connected, it should be a short-circuit in your place or change a larger fuse to see if there is any output. What is the output?


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