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Damaged half-bridge drive circuit components.

Hardware design
mars 17, 2021 by Daniel 3113

Two half-bridge drive chips are used to form an H-bridge drive circuit to drive the motor switch gate. At present, it is found that the half-bridge drive chip IR2103S is damaged, and the damage is that the chip's 5 pin cannot output high and low levels, but the 7 pin can still output PWM Bo, I don’t know what the situation is. In addition, I see the 10uF tantalum capacitor used in the previous version for this bootstrap capacitor. Do I need to use such a large-capacity capacitor? Will the capacitor discharge damage the chip?

Tous les commentaires

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Michael Posté sur March 17, 2021

It's not a problem with the chip, you can change the batch of chips to see.

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Ethan Posté sur March 17, 2021

There are pull-down resistors inside the LIN and HIN pins of the IR2103 chip. Adding a pull-up resistor here should not be appropriate.

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Olivia Posté sur March 17, 2021

There may be static electricity, ESD damage. Check whether the equipment is well grounded?


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