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How to calculate the magnification of the amplifier circuit?

Hardware design
novembre 26, 2020 by Zachary 474

The two terminals are connected to the two ends of the K-type thermocouple. The concept of virtual short and virtual disconnection is clear, but it does not count as a magnification, please advise.

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Isaac Posté sur November 26, 2020

LM193? Is there a mistake?

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Lucas Posté sur November 26, 2020

Regardless of whether the op amp model is correct, the magnification is not easy to calculate from the circuit alone. It is (R10+R17)/R, and R is the equivalent resistance of R19/R20/R22. Just use the simulation software to see it

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Jackson Posté sur November 26, 2020

A very simple signal conditioning circuit, it is easy to get the result with the virtual short of the op amp.

It is in-phase amplification plus a negative level shift R10/R17*Ua.


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